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Cedar River Clean Water Partnership
Cedar River Clean Water Partnership Contractor's Meetings
Sept 1st Farmer Panel Recording - Why Cover Crops?
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Cedar River Clean Water Partnership
Cedar River Clean Water Partnership Contractor's Meetings
Sept 1st Farmer Panel Recording - Why Cover Crops?
Project Mission Statement
The Benton Tama Nutrient Reduction Project works with landowners to demonstrate the benefits of nutrient reduction practices on row crop acres in Benton and Tama counties. This project uses conservation practices, field trials, demonstrations, and education to support landowner conservation efforts in Wolf Creek, Rock Creek, Pratt Creek, Hinkle Creek, Mud Creek, Opossum Creek and Wildcat Creek watersheds.
Benton-Tama Nutrient Reduction Project Expanded Project Area:
For more information, contact the
Benton & Tama County NRCS field offices:
Benton SWCD Tama SWCD
1705 West D St 102 Hwy 30
Vinton, IA 52349 Toledo, IA 52342
319-472-2161 641-484-2702
1705 West D St 102 Hwy 30
Vinton, IA 52349 Toledo, IA 52342
319-472-2161 641-484-2702